Monday, November 1, 2010

Gnome Baby

Ah, my little gnome. Most adorable Halloween costume in the world made by Baba.  Complete with super red hat, snazzy belt, and a little pouch for special treasures.

Note: he wore the hat without complaint for both trick-or-treat days.

As I post this my little blueberry is fast asleep after two days....yes, two days of trick-or-treating.  I do believe he loved every minute of cold autumn night air and strange looking people running amuck.

Note 2: Of course my head is already full of costume ideas for the years to come before he hits the age when he will think he knows best.....

For now I need to focus.  I need to plan. Make lists. Set a budget. The holidays are around the bend.  And somehow I volunteered to have Turkey day at our little house. What was I thinking....


  1. YAY! That costume is so super cute and wonderful!! So happy that you guys had a fun trick or treat! Good luck planning your Holiday Fun.

  2. such a bright happy Halloween you had there Little E. Hope you got to taste something from your goody bag =)

  3. You know what? I somehow just KNEW that would be his costume!! Its so wonderful. He looks joyful and a teeny tiny bit ornery.
