Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Cut



My precious boy had his first hair cut.

I have been very reluctant to have his locks chopped....his hair was just beginning to curl in the back.

Alas I had to concede his bangs were out of control and that it was time.

His hair was cut by a very nice lady that saves me every six months from the mop that grows on my head.
She was so gentle and spoke so kind to him during the entire hair cut.

He sat on my lap, a blue comb to entertain him in each little fist, and never squirmed or fussed...not once.

Now my baby looks like my little man.


  1. Wow....in that first picture he looks ready to straight up whip some ass.

  2. I don't know, to his Auntie looks like a little bit of a thunder eyes =)
