Tuesday, March 22, 2011


These past six weeks of recovery have been a difficult blessing.

For weeks I was in pain. And it seemed it would be forever until I could bend to tie my shoes or pick up my son.

The grandparents have supported Me and my Blueberry everyday on the road to recovery.

And even though I make a stubborn patient and have suffered from cabin fever....I was given time with my boy, my son. A true blessing.

The memories I have of this recovery are filled with my boy...and not the physical recuperation of a major surgery.

During this time I watched him advance from a few staggered steps to walking around the house carrying his big blue ball...he had his first serious cold...gave up his pacifier...started big people foods...and began to be weened away from his beloved bottle.  We had a crazy day at Chuck E Cheese and he had his first adventure at an art museum. So much in just a short time....and I was with him every step...every day.

We have become close.

I feel like a mama.

I go back to work in a few days....and my heart is already beginning to break.

I have always been stubborn, strong willed, independent, and worked hard at all my schooling and at every job position I have  held.  I like to work. I am dedicated. I am thankful for my job and what it provides.


If there was a way to have more time with my son, my sweet boy, my little family...and still financially survive...I would take it.

I love my blueberry boy.

1 comment:

  1. I have that wish for you too my friend. You are a wonderful Mama and even though you are back to work and it is painful to your heart, that will never change. You are in my thoughts.
