Friday, February 18, 2011

Sick Days

My blueberry is sick.
Runny nose.
A fever here and there.
An overall fussy ill little guy.

My family has had to come to the rescue to care for E after my surgery. And now they are pulling double duty as  grandparent babysitters and nursing aids.

Pap Pap came for the day, put on his headband, and dove in to the serious work of caring for my ailing baby boy. The headband usually comes out for yard work, painting projects, or moving households from one home to the next. Today it came out for feedings, diaper changes, baths, and lots of play time (when E felt up to it).

The grandparents (and an auntie) stay with us until E goes down for the night. Long days for everybody. And then E has to make it through the night---because I cannot comfort him through the night due to my lifting restrictions. He has to be a tough guy.

I admit....I have shed a few tears myself these past few days...because my heart wants me to be the one to primarily care for my boy.  His little snot fountain of a nose peeks up over the pillow I keep on stomach...his tired eyes confused as to why mama can't pull him onto her lap.  Poor baby dude has taken to leaning against my legs with his blanket as an attempts to cuddle with his mama.

As I began to write this in the wee hours of morning I heard his cough and moans from his crib. I waited at his door and searched the night air to hear his labored breathing under the sound of the vaporizer. When I heard his precious breath I had to fight the urge to enter his room. It will be hours until the next grandparent shift starts...this mama needs to get some sleep...but listening for my little one is way more important to my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Hope he gets better soon! I recognize that headband/bandanna! lol Some things never change...
